DAVOS -Corona opdatering.

Kære medlemmer af Yngre Danske Kirurger,

På grund af den internationale oprustning i forhold til corona viruset har udvalget bag DAVOS kurset i dag valgt at aflyse årets kursus jf. nedenstående udmelding.

Dear colleagues, faculty members and friends

Unfortunately the course of the coronavirus in Europe and particularly in Switzerland is unpredictable.

For safety and ethical measures the executive committee of Davos course foundation decided to day that the course will be canceled.

We regret this decision very much but safety measures must have priority.

A potential alternative date will be communicated within the next month (probably end of September 2020).

We are very sorry for this cancelation but we really hope to see you again for next Davos GI course either this fall or in April next year (10.-16.4.2021).


For the Board of the

Davos GI Course Foundation

Peter Vogelbach

President of the Foundation

Davos’ egen hjemmeside er endnu ikke opdateret med informationen, men dette forventes at ske i løbet af dagen.

Yngre Danske Kirurgers bestyrelse.


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